Full game improvement in a true forged carbon steel iron from a fully CNC milled back cavity.
- Please scroll down to read comments about the 560MC Forged.
- True Forged from 1035 Carbon Steel bar.
- The 560MC were the first iron to employ CNC machining to cut the entire deep cavity design of the back of the model to create the highest possible MOI in a true forged carbon steel iron.
- 560MC represent the best of both worlds of iron design – soft, forged carbon steel with the high MOI forgiveness previously only possible in an investment cast iron.
- Slightly wider, game improvement sole is custom ground with front/back sole radius and rounded leading edge to reduce incidence of “fat” shots.
- Brushed Satin Nickel Chrome Electroplated Finish.
- Available in RH in #3 – 9, PW, AW.
- Produced with post-2010 new USGA scorelines.

Tom, I need help maintaining the MOI of my 560 iron set. I have decided to increase the size of the grips on my 560s from standard (52g) to midsize (60g). I need a bigger grip because I have found that I enjoy the comfort and control offered by a midsized grip much more than the standard grip. I did a little research and I have documented the following process to adjust the MOI of my clubs with the new 60g grip to match the MOI that my clubs currently have with the 52g grips. Will this process work for… Read more »
JERROD I can make this all pretty easy for you. Over the years we have charted the effects of grip weight, head weight, length and every change in a golf club, on the MOI of the club. First of all, the MOI is measured most commonly in units of grams-centimeter squared (g-cm2). So when we quote a specific MOI for an iron, the measurement runs in the area of 2500 g-cm2 (light overall feel) up to as much as 2900 g-cm2 (very heavy overall feel). So here are some of the effects on MOI that changes in golf clubs result… Read more »
Is there any difference between the older 560MC with solid color insert on back and the newer ones with silver/black lines? (I have a set with older appearance 5-A and found a like new 4i head with newer back and may shaft to fit set – seems a little wider sole but is that just progression of iron or difference of production series?)
Not that it matters, just curious.
There is no difference in the head design of the 560MC with the two different back cavity medallion covers. We just got to the point that we felt the original plain medallion looked bad/less up to date for the time, so we just switched the medallion design. Everything else is the same.
Tom, located a club maker in Australia who has the 560MC iron heads available – gonna purchase these fully assembled and fitted for myself.
Cant wait to have these in my arsenal
Hope they assist in my endeavors to break handicap barrier of moving out of the twenties into the teens.
CRAIG Glad to hear that you have found a clubmaker who is able to work with you to custom make a set of the 560s. That really is an iron for which I have VERY nice memories because it was the first forged iron that we were able to fully CNC machine the entire back design to be able to create a true forging with a very high MOI for off center hit forgiveness that is as good as any deep investment cast cavity back. I played with a set of the 560s myself for almost ten years, I liked… Read more »
Tom, i do have a question on shaft. I currently play with Cleveland CG16s fitted with Traction 85 regular steel shafts. I am looking for an equivalent shaft on the market (can be wishon if need be) that can assist with increasing trajectory (low kick at tip?). My swing tempo is ‘smooth’ throughout and my swing speed isnt high – i hit my current 5i about 156m (170 yards) – i inclined to look at the areotech steelfiber (purely on aesthetics)
Craig I need more information about you and your swing characteristics before I can offer a recommendation for a shaft. I need to know your 5 iron clubhead speed, but if you do not have that, I can estimate it from the distance you say you hit your current 5 iron. On that 170 distance, is that after roll or carry distance? I also need to know when you unhinge the wrist cock angle on the downswing – early, midway, somewhat late or very late before impact. I am sorry but we do not have any of the actual Traction… Read more »
Tom, This comment is more of a thank you, first let me say I was lucky enough to find and purchase a set of your 560mc Limited heads, set #55. Let me compliment you, these iron heads look terrific. I would love to throw some shafts on them and take them to the course but they are far to pristine to play. Are you aware of anybody playing this model? Any chance you have a set of heads with the satin finish in your workshop? I am almost a complete Wishon convert, I game your sterling irons, 4-LW, and a… Read more »
BOBBY How nice to hear from you about this very special set ! It’s been a few years since I did that limited edition model and fortunately I kept a set for my own memory sake. Thanks very much for your kind words about that set. I used to do a limited edition model about once every 5 years so I think it was around 2010 or so when we did the 560’s. The 560MC were one of our best selling most popular iron models in the history of the company. In its normal catalog offering version it was done… Read more »
Long story short: bought back my 560MCs back from friend who wanted them but now is moving to a new set of irons. Great to have em back! Kicked Speedbladez out of the bag quickly . Still amazed how a club that looks & feel like a “playa’s” club is still so easy to hit even with my back problems & growing age. Lol.
Now for the big question I can’t find on the site.. How to get a Wishon golf shirt? :^D
DARREN Thanks for letting us know that the old 560s made their way back into the first string lineup !! I still have a lot of warm memories about that model because I played the final pre production set in my own bag for 8 years running. I have to beg your forgiveness on the logo’d stuff for right now. Ever since I semi retired last October and Diamond Golf International took over the full distribution of my product line, they wanted to re do all the bags and clothing so we ran out the inventory in those items last… Read more »
Thanks for the very quick reply Tom, appreciated. I had a 560MC made up and love the head, but not the shaft (KBS Tour 90 X). I really like the lines of the 560 in addition to the feel, and the toe has the same lines as the Mizuno MP30. Is the toe of the 565MC more rounded? Know it is just looks, but it is a bit of a drive to see a head in person. Thanks and have a good weekend.
Hi Tom,
It sounds like the MC560 is going away. I looked at the pics. Do the replacement, 565, have a more rounded toe and thicker topline? How much longer are the 560MC available? Thank you, Brian
Bbrian: The 560MC have gone away. We announced this to all of our customers in February in advance of the arrival of the new 565MC iron model. At that time we put the remaining inventory of the 560MC on sale to the customers and the heads went quickly. So we have no inventory and all that is left are the nice memories of what was a really good, pioneering model since it was the very first time anyone had ever designed and made a forging with a full CNC machined back cavity to push the MOI up higher than was… Read more »
tried many irons, but these are by far the best, really gives you that confidence in the iron shots. the crispness in the shots are simply amazing. well done tom.
Thank you so much !!! VERY glad to hear you like them !
thanks tom for the advice regarding the 771’s vs the 560mc’s.. i am playing with my friend eddie in the morning so i will discuss it with him on the golf course. happy golfing, keep up the good work michael donohoe..
hi tom-having discussed and looked at your iron sets with my friend/golf fitter eddie we went for the 575mmc-5 to pw,beautiful irons.ihave played twice with them and have to say they are superb.thank you very much,michael donohoe,dublin,ireland.
Thank you Micheal for letting us know you made a decision and like the results !!! It’s a real honor to know that one of my designs is getting to play over there in Ireland in your hands !!!!
TOM :>)
hi tom- just writing to let you know i got my first hole in one with my 575mmc 6 iron recently- needless to say i was thrilled- they are without doubt the best irons i have ever played with in my 27 years of golf.thanks again for these masterpieces. michael donohoe
Michael: ABSOLUTELY SUPERB TO HEAR !! Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your accomplishment with us ! I want you to know that no matter how much fun it is for me to create the head and shaft designs in my work, none of that is as enjoyable for me as being able to hear news like you shared with us today! That really makes me feel good that something I created is out there helping you to have a little more fun in this greatest of all games ! Thanks much and may there be more and more… Read more »
hello tom -am the owner of 2 of your wedges built by my friend and custom fitter eddie meaney in dublin ireland.these are superb- looks/feel/spin.i play with snake eyes viper irons and recently lost 2.1 shots off my handicap to now play off 11.0. i would like your advice-i am considering changing to either 771’s or 560mc’s as i would love to get to single figures- any help would be appreciated.i play generally twice a week throughout the year on a links course- the island- close to dublin airport..yours sincerely michael donohoe
Michael: thanks very much for your note and for letting us know the wedges are behaving themselves for you !! That’s great to hear and thank you very much for the attention and the support. The decision between the 771 and the 560 really comes down to how much the player wants/needs more distance with the irons than what he has experienced before. The 771 are a high COR face design so the ball speed and distance is at least one club longer than the same number head in the 560 set. Players who don;t have that high of a… Read more »
Thanks for the reply and explanation. I like my 560MC very much so I’m hesitant to make a switch. I like the look of the 771’s and would like to try them and find the the reward for off centre hits appealing. Since you have tried both models is their a big difference in how they feel considering one is forged and the other cast. I don’t like to change the lofts on my clubs I like them to be what they are and to pay attention to what number club others are hitting.
KEN I hazard a guess to say I think I know the performance of both these iron models as well or better than anyone !! I am still playing with the very first set of 560MC heads ever made. Over the past year since I turned (cough) 65, I have lost about a half a club in my iron clubhead speed. So I have been thinking about whether it might be time to think about moving into the 771’s. In spending some time hitting the 771’s again, I can tell you that while there is no question the high COR… Read more »
Tom Wishon
I have a set of 560MC irons which i really like and have been the most forgiving forged irons i have ever played I noticed that the 770 CSI irons which are a newer model than mine have stronger lofts which in theory should go farther. It seems like most of the newer irons have stronger lofts, has the technology changed so they can make the lofts stronger. My brother was hitting the ball further with his irons so I did some research and found that his irons were 3-4 stronger than mine.
KEN: I am well aware of the trend over the past 30 yrs for companies to lower lofts on their irons. I am also well aware of the appeal this has for most golfers – everyone loves to hit the ball longer with the same number of iron head even if they are aware of how this is being done through loft shrinkage. No one wants to admit or live with the reality that when they hit a 7 iron today for a shot that they used to hit an older 6 or even 5 iron of the past because… Read more »
Greetings from Cape Town South Africa, yep even the golfers in South Africa have heard of Wishon Golf, I was advised to have a club fit, at that stage I was a 22 handicap with a 10 handicap swing in May 2015. I was advised to use the 560MC clubs with a KBS tour shaft 120g, it took a round or two to make a difference. I also reshafted my driver and 3 wood Accra DM MT-60 M3 and the F/w shaft identical to suit 3 wood. it has a great feel off the face and I love the sole… Read more »
2 months ago i visited Thomas Rosenberg for my first clubfitting. From the start i was very amazed by his profesionalism, we tried quite a few different setup combinations.At the end of the session The choice for me was simple the 560´s with the S2S Superlite steel shaft is the right one for me. The “feeling” i have with these iron is what ive been wanting for a very long time. Ive been playing with the set for about a month now, and im very pleased, with these irons im looking forward to my next golfshot regardless of it is… Read more »
i have recently purchased a set of your 560 mc irons. I am happy with the clubs and I have been hitting them good. I am wondering if these clubs have conventional lofts on them. I hit my 9 iron from 148 and flew it 155 from the fairway a week ago. Then yesterday from the tee on a par 3 I did the same thing. On both of these shots I had out 8 but didn’t want to go long. I am use to hitting my 9 about 135. My 8 150.
WILLIAM: The spec design lofts of the 560MC forged irons from the 3i to the AW in order are, 21, 24, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51. Since there is no standard whatsoever for loft in the golf industry, each company is free to choose whatever lofts they want for whichever head models they make. It is true that among most forged carbon steel iron models, the lofts are pretty close to these we choose for the 560’s. But there are forged iron models out there with lofts that are 1* lower than these and some with lofts that… Read more »
Hi, i’m going to be fitted for a set of irons at Brejan, Stockholm Sweden now in April and considering 560 or 575 based on looks only… We’ll se what will suit me best at the actual fitting. Today i’m playing KZG Evolution. i’ve had them for 10 years and it’s time to put them at my summer house and purshase something new. When i look at the specs i see that 560 has weaker lofts compared too 575 and wonder why? When i look at the design it should be the other way around? I’m sure there is a… Read more »
LEIF Thanks very much for your message and for having decided to work with Breit at Brejans for your custom fitting needs. Breit is without question, one of the very best and very most experienced clubfitter/clubmakers in the world and he will most definitely do a very, very good job in your fitting analysis and in making your new clubs perform as well as possible for you. The matter of the loft specs on the 560’s vs the 575’s is really one of being forced to stay with the trend in the industry over the past 30 yrs to set… Read more »
Picked up my set of Wishon 560MC’s in October last year. It has been a long tough slog with these. I made some drastic changes to my swing (playing a fade to a draw) a week or two before my fitting. Now with some further tinkering I am really hoping to maximise my game for the coming season. My pure strikes are far better than anything I have ever hit. Consistency is the key. I got a 5I – PW. Struggling to gap the irons though. High handicapper hybrids? From reading about the 335HL and the 775HS I am unsure… Read more »
First, thanks for offering the 771 model in LH. If it were not for the offset, I would have ordered these by now. Just an observation I have made over the past fifty five years I have played this incredible game we call golf, but why in the world do manufacturers continue to put more than 1 mm of offset in clubs designed for players with handicaps under 10? It makes no sense to increase offset for players who’s miss is a hook. I do not ever remember playing with a single handicapper who sliced their irons…EVER! They may have… Read more »
MARK: Thanks very much for offering your comments. I did design the 771CSI irons to be a super game improvement iron, and not to be a player’s iron. Of course I am aware that any golfer regardless of hdcp can play any iron he/she wishes. But since the golf industry likes to categorize head design styles, it is a fact that when you design an iron with a high COR and then do the face in a variable thickness construction to increase off center hit distance, those elements do put the design into the super game improvement category. Which then… Read more »
We do tool the left hand model 771 in a #4 to PW.
A friend of my has the 560MC clubs. He loves them. His game has improved greatly and he does nothing but praises these clubs.
A problem I see with the 560MC clubs, you can’t get them for left handed players.
How can the game keep on growing when consumers cannot purchase the products. Nice growth and the game.
One concern left-handed player
LARRY I hear you loud and clear and as a designer with 29 yrs of experience, every year I lament the facts of life concerning left hand development costs vs the potential for left hand head demand. With investment cast clubheads, we can with our more popular cast models invest in left hand tooling dies and invest in the inventory to offer them. BUt in forged carbon steel iron heads, that’s really difficult because sadly the numbers just do not add up for us as a smaller, niche design and technology company. Forging dies cost around $6,000 per head number,… Read more »
Does the 560 forged iron set come in for left hand players?
LARRY I am very sorry to tell you that we do not offer the 560MC or any of our other forged iron models in left hand. We’re a small company and we do all of our own design work from scratch and the cost of the production forging dies is just greater than the volume we could possibly sell to make that investment to do the forgings in left hand. Production forging dies cost $6,000 per head number so to manufacture a set of 3-AW in left hand would represent an investment up front of $54,000. Minimum production runs for… Read more »
I’ve read much of your design philosophy and that you prefer 4 degree loft spacing for irons. Why did you choose to use 4.5 spacing on the 9-pW-aw irons in the 560MC’s?
ED: The loft of the short irons and PW/AW all have to correspond to the loft of the sand wedge so as to try to make sure there won;t be an odd distance gap between any of the irons leading into the sand wedge. Since most sand wedges are 56* loft with a few at 55*, that pretty much locks in the loft of the sand wedge for most players. Thus when you work backwards from there to the lofts of the AW, PW, 9 iron and into the rest of the short irons, you do then need to be… Read more »
Tom, Here is a bit of feedbak on Fred and Tony from Perfect Lies in upstate NY from someone based on Sydney Australia of all things. The 560mc with the KBS Tour shaft are working a treat. Best Brett Having only started playing golf this year with an old set of cheap knock off clone clubs, I thought if I was going to play for the next 30+ years, I should get a fitting so I went to a trackman based fitter here in Sydney, Australia. The fitting itself was excellent, improved my distance and accuracy beyond my expectations. However,… Read more »
I had heard from Fred that you had corresponded with him to let him know how his fitting work for you had come along since you got home and were using the clubs. But thanks so much for letting us know here on our site that your work with Fred was pleasing in terms of the performance results!!! Keep it up because there are few things more enjoyable than being able to play this great game a little better than before !!
Hi Tom This review is long overdue. I’ll try and keep it as concise as possible. I bought the 560MC irons in 2011 and they are absolutely terrible. It’s ok, I’m kidding. Not unlike many golfers, I seem to get a two or three year “itch” which makes me want to buy new clubs even if I am fairly happy with what I have. Fortunately, I have always been suspicious of the BS that the OEMs feed us, and have avoided them for the most part. Instead, I have always been attracted to more obscure brands. In about 2008, I… Read more »
Mr. Wishon I just wanted to Thank You for the best club purchasing experience of my life! Saw the 771 review in Golf Digest, went to your site, read up on the 771, loved the looks of the 560, used your locator to find a local club fitter and arranged a time with Ken Alterwitz. He showed up with both heads, a multitude of shafts, and state of the art swing analysis equipment. He did an excellent job of assessing the swing data, I made my choice of head, shaft, and grip, and a week later had my 560’s in… Read more »
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience with the new 560MC set you were fit for by Ken. That’s more than great for us to be able to hear your reaction to the clubs and the smile on your face shines bright through your words! It’s great that you chose to work with Ken for your fitting needs because he is a very good example of what a good, professional clubfitter/clubmaker can be to help golfers find the right clubs for their game.