The High COR 949MC Fairway Woods are Even Better with their Re-Design in 2011
- New CNC Precision Engraved Scorelines replaces the former laser etched lines to channel moisture away from the face at impact from wet grass and rough for more penetrating ball flight.
- 2nd Weight Bore on the Sole to allow clubmakers to use a wider range of lengths and shaft weights to achieve more swingweight (MOI) fitting options for golfers.
- Forged, High Strength Steel Cup Face for high COR delivers the highest possible 1.49 smash factor – never thought possible from a fairway wood.
- Semi-Shallow 32mm Face Height combines with the high COR face design to offer a superb high performance design with the confidence to easily hit the ball high and far.
- Tapered Crown Wall Thickness Design gradually increases the wall thickness at the rear of the head to create a more rear CG position for slightly higher launch angle.
- Available in RH in lofts of 14 (#3), 16.5 (#4), 18 (#5) and 21.5 (#7).
- The 949MC fairway woods were awarded the Golf Digest Hot List award for best fairway woods for 2008.

Tom, Even though my 72 year old dad is an ex golf pro and owns a golf clothing company, when I mention your name to him and his buddies , they are like “ who is that? ”. It really is so disappointing to me how under appreciated you seem to be in some golf circles. Im so tired of golf club snobbery! Ping this and Taylormade that…….it’s so boring. I’m 50 years old and I took up golf seriously about a year ago, even though I knew how to swing the club from many years of hanging out with… Read more »
Bradley Thanks so much for your kind words. I truly appreciate that, very much! If you remember the old time comedian Rodney Dangerfield, you remember the opening line of his stand up routine. . . . “I tell ya, I don’t get any respect.” I would say after this many years doing what I do, based on what you said about your Dad and the many others out there like him, I’m used to being the Rodney Dangerfield of golf club design!! HA! Nothing that $10 million a year in marketing wouldn’t have changed though! I’ll confide with you. My… Read more »
Hey Tom,
First off, thank you for all the content you’ve created through your educational books, youtube videos, and forum posts. They have been my bible as an aspiring competitive golfer and club maker (currently in college). Currently, I am looking for a club fitter near Chicago, Illinois. I’ve used your find a club fitter app, but I was curious if there are any club fitters that you personally can recommend. I wouldn’t mind driving to the neighboring states if it assured I get the highest level fit possible.
Best Regards,
JAY I do not know why Chicago has never had what I consider to be a super experienced high level custom clubmaker clubfitter within the city limits or close suburbs. Las Vegas is the same way for whatever reason. At any rate, the best clubmaker clubfitter I know who is within a reasonable distance from Chicago is Kadin Mahmet in Crown Point, Indiana. If you head back to the FIND A CLUBFITTER search tool, put in Chicago or put in Crown POint, IN and you will see Kadin listed there under Clubs by Kadin with his contact information. Call him… Read more »
why are they retired ? thought they’re still going strong with excellent design, highest possible COR etc.. and what is replacing them ? I have one 3wood and looking to pair a new 5wood now.
Thank you, Michael
Michael Whenever I retire a model it is because of one thing and one thing only – clubmakers begin to order a different model of the same type more so that it tells us the model is losing its demand in favor of one that is newer. In the case of the 949, it was a conventional size fwy head model with a high COR face. It stayed in the line for quite a number of years, really. But there came a time when I decided to design a new fwy wood model with a less tall face height and… Read more »
I ordered one of those just last week after another fitting with the local shop. It seems the 949 is more forgiving than the 929 and I like the fact that is has a cupface as well as the high COR of course. But I wonder why it doesn’t seem to have an adjustable hosel like the 929 or my 919 driver ?
Michael: Thanks very much for your question and your interest in our company and our design work! The reason that the 949MC fwy woods do not have the bendable hosel as with the 919 drivers, 929 woods and 775 hybrids is simply because the 949MC was first introduced in 2007 and I did not have the idea to design drivers/woods/hybrids with a bendable hosel until 2012. We’re a little different than the big companies in that we do not design head models with a 6 month or year life cycle. The 949MC is one of several models in our line… Read more »
I would like to purchase the 949MC fairway wood. How do I go about doing this?
Thank you
KIM Many thanks for your interest! All of our models are custom fit and custom built for golfers by independent custom clubmakers that we have worked with and checked out to then list on the FIND A CLUBFITTER locator search tool found on the middle of our home page on our website. I recommend that you put your town/city/state in the search tool and see if there is a certified clubmaker that is in reasonable proximity to your location. If so, call them and you can inquire about their fitting service and their pricing for the clubs. If you do… Read more »
Hi Tom,
How much is the COR of the 949 head?
When all specs of the 949MC are hit perfectly in the production, that COR is right at 0.830.
The new 949 heads do not seem to be the composite head that the old 949mc’s were. Why did you go away from the composite heads? And as an afterthought are any of the 4 wood composite heads still available for purchase???
JOHN Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. I might know a bunch about golf clubs, but I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to watchdogging the comments section of our website!! The 949MC fairway woods were never designed with a composite crown. They have always been a steel body with a cup face, high strength steel thin face design with a very high COR. The old 949MC driver heads when first intro’d, were designed with a composite top. But I went away from that composite top and re-designed the 949MC driver heads… Read more »
From a design point of view, why are all the heads the same size? Most companies decrease the head size as the loft goes up…
Trends come and go with respect to what size of clubhead is popular with the majority of golfers. Back in the late 80s oversize irons were all the rage. Back then if you were a golf company and you did not have oversize irons, no matter how well your clubheads performed, few would buy them because oversize irons were the popular trend. Then through the 90s, iron head sizes shrunk as more golfers preferred a more medium size head while golfers began to demand larger and larger size driver heads. So here we are today in the trend of medium… Read more »
Get awesome results every single time I make these for customers. The hot face design is really noticeable. Higher and longer shots with just perfect sound and feel. The low profile heads give great confidence when hitting off the deck. I´ll put the same review for the 929HS as in my experience they perform the same, just a tiny difference in size and looks. Truly fairway woods in a league of their own! One customer joked that I should advertise that this head is 17 yards longer than the TaylorMade RocketBallz that’s suppose to be 17 yards longer than anything… Read more »
I purchased a 13.5 degree handpicked 949 MC and immediately gained 15 yds over my KZG and Callaway X-Tour. My friend was hitting it so far that he asked me to build him the same club and a Wishon Driver without seeing one.
The 949MC is one of the hottest feeling & sweetest sounding fairway woods around. I buy new clubs all the time, but nothing has come close to the performance of these. I’ve stopped looking at other fairways and now have 2 16* 949MC, 1 20* 949MC and a 20* 929HS. Yes these are THAT good.
A customer of mine plays the 949MC as 16.5° 4-wood. He is so pleased by the performance and feel that he sold his driver and his 3-wood, both from big brand companies.
Personally I like the fact that the face is so hot that you don’t have to swing out of your shoes and still get very good results. Knowing this helped me a lot of times when my swing went off and I tried to slow it down without loosing distance. This mental aspect is a very big bonus.
What can I say the 949MC’s are great. I don’t know why but sometimes I hit the 4 wood almost as far as my driver, maybe because I play my fairways back in stance with alittle draw. My first and only double eagle was with a 949 4 wood. Great clubs if I had more time I would tell you about the 7 Wood………
Best fairway wood I have ever played. It elevates the ball from the fairway and provides a strong trajectory from the tee. The high COR face gives me a distance boost over standard fairway woods of the same loft. This model is 2nd to none.
This is simply the most solid, hottest, easiest to hit FW design I have ever used.
I got rid of my 3 wood for the 16.5 and I hit it higher and further than before. I think our shop has fit over 50 of these over the past year and everyone loves them. Ball comes off with amazing smash factor numbers and a solid feel.
These are beautiful clubs. They hit very smooth and long.
The 949 fairway wood is HOT. The longest wood and most consistant wood on the market
I have one customer who decided he could hit his 16.5 better than his driver. He is a preacher, so I believe he is telling the truth. I have made several set’s of these, and all have been happy with them. I like the fact that I have different loft’s to make a selection from. Only wish they came left hand.
I have hit the 949mc with a claymore mx60 gram f4 in a 3,5,7 wood. The head and the shaft are unbeleivable. 7 wood is a mid lauch low spin about 215 yards!!! 5 wood is 215 to 230 yards. 3 wood i can hit up to 250 yards!!! The combination is awesome!!!