by Tom Wishon | Sep 12, 2011 | Clubhead Design
If you’re into golf clubs or spend time reading the various golf equipment internet forums, there are occasional discussions from which you could get the impression that forged carbon steel iron heads made in Japan are superior to those made anywhere else in the...
by Tom Wishon | Sep 9, 2011 | Clubfitting
I understand. You’ve become aware of the benefits of professional clubfitting, you want to know if custom fitting can make a real difference in your game, but you don’t want to spring for a totally new set of clubs because your clubs aren’t that old. Can your...
by Tom Wishon | Sep 8, 2011 | Clubfitting
It’s understandable for a golfer who has only taken a serious look at golf clubs with heavily marketed brand names and only shopped for golf clubs in a big golf store or pro shop to view the concept of professional clubfitting performed by an independent custom...
by Tom Wishon | Sep 8, 2011 | Clubhead Design
I began what has been a long fascination with clubface design back in 1994 when my engineering mentor talked me into buying him a combination package of Pro Engineer CAD and Pro Mechanica FEA software. And wow, let me tell you back then these modeling software...
by Tom Wishon | Sep 8, 2011 | Shaft Fitting
I realize I am a little long in the tooth in the golf equipment industry. After all, I first started in clubmaking and club repair back when the first commercially marketed graphite shafts came on the market in 1972. One of the things I remember asking when I...