Thin Face, High COR, Variable Thickness Face in a Carbon Steel Body to Offer a Wide Range in Lie and Loft Bending for Custom Fitting
- High 0.830 COR face design offers the most distance for all golfers
- CNC Machined Variable Thickness Face delivers superb off-center hit forgiveness
- Head body material is 1020C carbon steel to allow clubmakers to perform a wide range in loft and lie bending – previously all high COR thin face designs had to be mounted in a 17-4 stainless body, which limited loft and lie fitting options
- Conventional Head Size and Shape means a wider range of golfers will like the 771CSI design
- Fully Radiused Sole Design with Rounded Leading Edge offers golfers the best playability from all types of grass as well as from the rough
- Available in RH & LH in #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, PW, (AW RH only) in bright satin NiCr electroplated finish

Hi, trust all is well. I was wondering if we might see a 771 replacement in 2025 – perhaps a hollow body design? Thanks and best wishes for the holidays and beyond.
Much too soon to spill any beans on anything like that! Diamond “reprimands” me if they catch me talking about what I am working on so I have to be careful to put the finger up to my lips and say Shhhhhhh!! HA!
Thanks- enjoy the holidays.
Hey there, I still have my 939h’s in play and bought them the year they came out. Amazing irons – 10 yrs ahead of their time in my opinion! Obviously I hold onto good clubs very a long time. I’ve always liked the idea of the 771s, and now that my back is acting up more I’ve gone from scratch to a 6 (also I’m 2 clubs shorter since first getting the ole 939s) I’m, finally, thinking of making a switch, with graphite, to get some much needed distance and game improvement. I’m an adversary of vanishing loft disease, so… Read more »
Pete Sounds like you and I have a bit in common after reading your post! Especially when it comes to back pain taking you from a scratch to a 6 and costing you significant distance. I can also be honest to tell you that a switch to graphite shafts is not going to restore more than a fraction of the lost distance because it is highly likely that the back problem has robbed you of a significant amount of clubhead speed. That’s very common for those of us with real back issues in this great game. It certainly is with… Read more »
Hi Tom I wanted to put this under the “Shafts” section but couldn’t find the right place so here it is instead. This is not easy to articulate but let me try. The bottom line is that I am trying to work out whether, at the age of nearly 58, I should go from steel shafts in my irons to graphite. I know the straight answer is that you can’t judge until you know my swing characteristics. But maybe you can give me some “in principle” guidance? I don’t think there are many people better qualified to comment so let… Read more »
Frazer Without question, the #1 reason a golfer would consider going from steel to graphite would be to decrease the total weight of the club(s). That being said, there are certainly steel shafts out there for irons that weigh as little as 70-80g and there are graphite iron shafts out there that weigh well over 100g. But overall since the vast majority of steel shafts weigh in the range between 100-125g, and since most graphite iron shafts weigh in the range between 55 and 80g, the main reason for converting from steel to graphite would be to drop the shaft… Read more »
Delighted to get my new 771 irons today. Looking superb.
Has anyone any tips for maintaining their looks?
I ask as I’ve seen a few on sale 2nd hand that appear to have rust or similar to the rear badges.
I always use headcovers so ‘chatter’ won’t be an issue.
Would rubbing a small amount of oil occasionally into the rear of the head help to keep this at bay?
Garry The 771 irons are nickel chromium electroplated so the finish and luster on the body of the head will remain shiny for a very long time with no real care requirements. The back of the face is painted silver over the top of the chrome plating and only in some rare cases or if the heads were subjected to exposure to some of the chemicals sprayed on golf courses could there be a case like what you saw where the paint and chrome plating was broken through to expose the high strength steel alloy of the face to corrosion.… Read more »
Never thought about the Course chemicals!
Great advice and yes, they are going to get a smile back on my face. 👌
If you have ever seen tiny blue color particles all over the grass at times during the year, those are nitrogen particles in the fertilizer or turf treatment and if they get stuck permanently in the nooks and crannies of the back cavity of the 771 iron, they can eat through the chrome and trigger rust. So that is why I just said to wash the whole iron every so often with water and everything will be fine.
Interested in these 771 irons. They’ve been around for a while now. How do they compare with the latest and greatest from the big brands?
BOB Thanks very much for your interest! I perceive you might be a little new to learning about us because Wishon Golf has a habit of being able to make models stay in the product line for a very long time. And in all honesty what determines how long a model stays in the line is how well it continues to sell. If a model shows a drop in sales one year over the previous, we keep it one more year and keep an eye on it. If sales are down for a 2nd year, we drop it and bring… Read more »
Tom, at what point would you consider the irons going too high? I’ve got a set of 585s and 771’s. Same shafts in both and the 771’s go about 25 feet higher…with the higher ball speeds, the 771s are only about 5 yards shorter. The descent on the 771’s is around 50-52 with a 7iron on my trackman. I know the 771’s are designed to get the ball up with weighting but curious as to when it is too much?
Mack The specs for loft on both the 771 and 585 are the same. But every head ever made no matter who makes it does have to live with a normal +/-1* tolerance for loft, lie. While I’ll put our +/- tolerances up against any company, it is always possible that there could be some heads in the 585s that are minus a little while some of the 771s could be plus a little to account for some of this. But if you see much higher flight AND @ 5yds less distance with each comparison of 585 and 771 for… Read more »
Could a change in shaft help? I really like the look of the heads.
I’m using an Axiom Graphite Shaft 105-S. I’m about 88mph with a 7iron.
MACK Trying to use the shaft to lower ball flight can be very tricky. The ONLY way a shaft can lower ball flight is if it is stiffer overall or stiffer in the tip section. In both cases moving to a stiffer shaft or stiffer tip might have adverse effect on your preferred shaft FEEL, if your current shafts feel just right to you in terms of stiffness. Also, if your current shaft of preference is already a tip stiff design, to get lower ball flight you would have to change to a much stiffer shaft, and again, that might… Read more »
Hi Tom; I bought your 771 when I started golf 8 years ago. 3 years laters, I was fitted with a sterling set (I was 25 hcp at the time). Recently, I tried the 771 again (I’m an 8 hcp now). As much as I recognize the help i found with the sterling, I was amazed by the superiority of the 771 with the 6 and the 7. I find more power and precision with the S,G,P 9 of the sterling, and higher trajectories and more distance with the 8,7,6 of the 771 So I keep a mix in my… Read more »
Thank you so much for your kind comment and for letting us know how you evolved your set makeup. That is absolutely fantastic that you have been able to improve from a 25 to an 8! That’s something that not very many people can do, believe me I know because I have been around and seen tons of golfers in my long career enough to know how hard it is to improve that much. Well done!
I am researching one length irons. I watched a video by Ian Fraser of TXG with your irons. I love the idea of the adjustability of your irons as Ian and Matt showed in the video. UNFORTUNATELY, I can’t seem to find a competent fitter near me. The last three tried to BS me and after 4 years of watching TXG fitting videos it’s become pretty easy to spot. I used your fitter finder but it doesn’t seem up to date for my area near Edmonton, Alberta.
Any suggestions from Wishongolf would be appreciated
I think if you contact Jason Schraefel at jason@tpcgolf.ca you will be pleasantly surprised to find him to be a clubmaker who knows his stuff in your area. Thank very much for your interest and diligence!
Hi Sean, We definitely can help you with the one length setup. I recently did a set of EQ one length for a client who LOVES his new clubs. We’ll have his feedback and results posting to our socials shortly. Tom is very kind with his recommendation. Our fitting stock has every Wishon shaft at every playing length, bend profile and weight all ready to be tested live in your session. We can also adjust swing weight on the fly to ensure you have the exact feel you want. No guessing. You will have the club you love in your… Read more »
Hello Tom: I have the pleasure of owing a full set (less the 7 iron) of your MWD-1000 irons. I have had them for some time. I have x-flex steel shafts in them and still enjoy hitting them. I am 65 now and still can generate swing speeds over 100. These irons are absolution a dream to hit. I am scanning the globe for a 7 iron. If I were to transition from these irons to a different set of yours what do you think would work ? Single shaft etc.
TIM How about that?! Rarely do I hear about the MWD-1000 irons as they were one of the very few iron models made with an all titanium body. A model like the 771CSI is going to offer better ball speed and distance than the MWD but the 771 is designed with a smaller overall size and profile than the MWD. The MWD being made from titanium was a larger overall shape and right now I don’t have any iron models in the line that would be that size in terms of larger than anything else out on the market now.… Read more »
hi Tom In an absentminded day I chose to give my 870 iron set to my grandson 3 1/2 yrs and fell for the adds of Titleist 400 . What a huge mistake, you recently commented on flight height and you hit the nail on the head, high loft irons lower flight. my 5 and 6 about the same. the good news is is got taller and I will buy my gift back. ? 775 having new design? why is it no other maker fitter etc will follow the corp. line of malarkey? I love ready your reply and getting… Read more »
DON I still rank the 870s as either #1 or #2 on my list of best game improvement irons I have ever designed. The 771s would be the other one with the 870s. And the only reason I might edge the 771s into #1 with the 870s #2 is because the 870 body is cast from 17-4 which makes them almost impossible to bend for custom lie or loft changes. The 771 body is carbon steel which I did to make them eminently more bendable when that change is needed by a golfer. Back when we did the 870s, we… Read more »
Hi Tom,
I tend to “tinker” with everything I have. Having both a set of 771csi’s and 870ti’s I go back and forth. In additon I picked up a set of Tour Edge iron woods. I play casually lately, but still keep coming back to the feel of the 771csi, and your older 870ti. Can you explain the difference between these two models and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each. Thanks again.
DOUG I can definitely tell you that with the 870 and 771 you own the two very best super game improvement iron designs that I think I have ever created in my 37 yrs of designing clubheads! And I am serious about that. They are really quite similar in performance because both are high COR, variable thickness face designs. So they both have a very high on center COR, and the variable thickness face allows the off center hits to perform better in terms of ball speed and distance and feel, than any other super game improvement iron ever made… Read more »
Thanks for the encouragement and knowledgeTom. Now, if only my swing keeps improving. I know it’s ‘‘this Indian, not these great arrows”.
Hi Tom, Over the course of using the 771s for several years, my handicap has dropped slowly from 12 to 6. Should I stay with the 771’s or consider your new forged irons?
Also, while the 771’s are still highly competitive with new offerings from the big box stores. I wonder if a replacement in the works?
Thank you for your thoughtful approaches to everything you do.
Respectfully, Paul
Paul First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on moving from a 12 to a 6. That is a huge change in the game for a player to achieve and you should be extremely proud to have done that. May the improvement continue and with it, may your desire to play this great game keep increasing!!! OK to the question you asked. On one hand I can use the old adage, “if it ain’t broke, don’t go out and try to fix it”. If you move out of the 771s into any of the forged iron models, whether from us or whoever, you… Read more »
Tom, I got fitted for the 770 CFE back in 2008. I hit them well how do they stack up to the current lineup. They feel a little heavy now that I am 70 yrs old. I am looking up update my set.
I still feel that the 770s can stack up against any game improvement iron that is out there on the market today, no matter whose name is on the irons. They are as high of a COR as is possible to make in an iron, and the off center hit performance is still unsurpassed, in my opinion. They can be re fitted with lighter weight shafts and with the swingweight made lighter so they do not feel as heavy as they did 15 yrs ago.
Tom, I have the 765WS and want to upgrade. I am a mid-hi handicap , like a higher ball flight and want to improve distance. What would be a good selection of the current models?
GREG For mid to high handical players, I have always been partial to the 771CSI irons. While I designed these years ago, I strongly believe there are no other irons even introduced this year or in the past few years that can offer as high of a level of off center hit forgiveness as the 771. Distance wise they do have an outstanding high COR face design, but since I designed and introduced these several years ago, they are designed with what had been more conventional lofts (based on a 26* loft #5 iron) while many of today’s modern game… Read more »
Tom, thank you for all you do for us. I recently got refitted for driver and 3 wood by the one and only Frank Strannick. To say Frank is awesome would be an understatement, and having worked with him and he understanding my swing has been amazing. Frank will be fitting me for these 771s to replace my 560s, and my question is this: with the posted lofts of the clubs on your site, is it feasible that with a 7i as an example, that distance increased from 175 with 560s to roughly 188 with the demo 771 that Frank… Read more »
JIM Thank you very much for your kind words of appreciation. It’s really nice to know that I matter a little bit! No question that the COR of the 771’s is much higher, iron speaking, than that of the 560s. When we were doing the testing on the 771s many years ago during their development, most everyone felt that the 771s were a full club longer than the low/normal COR irons they had been playing, with loft = loft on both models. 175 to 188 seems on the very edge of being a little larger difference than what we saw,… Read more »
Tom, you are very gracious to answer my question, thank you. I believe the loft of the 771 was 2 degrees stronger than my 560 7i, but I hadn’t really pressed Frank much as he was headed to FL when I returned the demo and got my new sticks. I have now seen the 309 and find them very pleasing to the eye and with my fitting happening late March early April,look forward to the 310 and see what Frank has to say. Just an FYI, will probly show Frank the praise you have shown for him as when I… Read more »
Hi Tom After all the amazing comments and feedback, I am looking to buy a set of 771csi. However, I am fairly new to golf and have only played with the modern day low lofted GI irons, so I am thinking of lowering the lofts of the 771 when I get them. So I have 2 questions: if I say lower the loft of the 7i by 3 degrees, which I guess will reduce bounce by 3 degrees do I still have sufficient bounce? Also, for a swing speed around 80mph, what would be the carry distance gain by lowering… Read more »
Denis My simple starting recommendation in my own personal opinion is, DO NOT EVER REDUCE THE LOFT OF ANY IRON BY AS MUCH AS 3*. If you bend any iron that much, you increase the offset visibly, you make the lower part of the hosel curved which looks odd to many players, and worse, you reduce the bounce sole angle by 3*. Most lower number irons do not have more than a few degrees of bounce, so if you reduce that by as much as 3*, you can promote hitting shots where the sole digs into the ground too much.… Read more »
Thank you so much Tom for your great advice! My initial thought of bending the irons stronger was to gain a bit more distance. Do you think it would make much of a difference at 80mph 7 iron swing speed?
Denis Without question, lowering the loft of the irons would allow you to hit each iron farther. As I am sure you know, clubhead speed is the reason why each person has the ability to hit the ball long, short or in between, but loft is the most important contributor to distance from the standpoint of the clubs. So if your current irons are 3* lower in loft per each iron number, there is no way you could hit any set of irons as long as your current set unless the lofts were the same or within a degree for… Read more »
Hi Tom
Thank you so much for your thoughtful advice, as always.
Best wishes
Great discussion. I have had a set of 771’s that I have played for awhile. Most of the crew I play with are older and have clubs that are newer, with stronger lofts. When a partner is playing his 7 iron with 28-30 loft, I simply use my 6 iron, that is 30 degrees. I have had my clubs adjusted for +1 degree lie, never the original loft. Adapt to that, and you will love the clubs. Remember, Tom is always correct. Good luck.
DOUG I need to frame your last statement and put it up in our house so Mary Ellen can see it !!! HA! But hey, kudos to you for not being sucked into the ego game of iron number vs iron number for distance and that you are well aware of your lofts. Though I admit that urge is strong among golfers to always want to hit the higher number for a specific distance, enough that one of these years I will have to retire the 771s simply to bring out a successor with stronger lofts. Makes me wish the… Read more »
Tom, I couldn’t agree with you more- for the average golfer even if this advancement in technology was real having 7 iron at 28 degrees of loft cannot possibily be of any benefit. A USGA mandated minimum loft for each iron with a variance of minus 1 degree would be of great sense, but, I don’t know if that was/is within their mandate. If this strengthing in lofts has been halted at somewhere around 32 or 33 degrees for the 7 iron companies would have to separate themselves through true advancements where/when found. It is people such as yourself and… Read more »
BILL A new version of the 771 may just happen within your desired time frame but for now I have to say SHHHH on anything like that!! And in any of my thinking about what a new 771 model would be like, you hit the nail on the head with your suggestion of it being a hollow body iron. Jeez, with the versatility of a hollow iron, there may come a day when every iron, even forged carbon steel muscleback looking irons are made in a hollow construction. The only draw back to hollow irons is it costs a good… Read more »
Tom, I have purchased a set of 771csi irons. I am confused about the bottom of bore to ground showing 1.5″. The hosel length is is 60mm and bore is 30mm. I appears that the bottom of bore to ground would be 30mm or 1.18″. What am I missing? Is the hosel length Measured not from the ground?
The dimension is bottom of bore to GROUND. Not, bottom of bore to heel. Hosel length is measured from the base of the heel to the top of the hosel. That’s why you are getting confused when thinking of a 60mm hosel length minus a 30mm bore depth and coming up with a number less than the bottom of bore to ground. The ground is another 0.32″ or so below the bottom of the heel of the head. Hope this helps,
Thanks Tom
Tom, I recently started using the Auditor speed match machine and they use HTS (hosel to sole) measurement, HSD (hosel shaft depth) measurement and am wondering how to use the 771csi specs with this. From my crude attempts at measurement the HTS is 63mm, the HSD is 27 mm. Is HSD the bore depth in the specs listed at 30mm. The weight bore is another 19mm deep from my measurement, so from top of hosel to bottom of weight bore is 46mm. From what you said the HTS would be 60mm +0.32″ (8mm) or 68mm. So BBGM is 68-27 or 41mm=1.6″,… Read more »
JIM Ever since Mondher invented this upgraded MOI measurement machine so it can output direct MOI measurements for assembled clubs, I can tell you that absolutely none of the clubmakers who offer MOI matching of sets ever use or ever even look at the software that goes with the machine. Never. The old original first generation MOI matching equipment we intro’d in 2003 did require use of the accompanying software because the original unit was only a period counter so you have to have the software to calculate the MOI from the period measurement + length + total weight +… Read more »
Thanks. That helps greatly. I was getting lost in the weeds on the accompanying documentation with the unit. When I got it I was planning on doing just what you said, but then read the manual recommending this other way. Thanks again.
Jim Hoover
I’m not even sure why Mondher even developed that software. I have questioned him on it. Anyway, glad to hear you are OK with it and are on track for the future with the unit and with your work!
Tom, I want to preface by saying thank you… thank you for the clubs and thank you for the time. I’m curious on what irons are targeted at what players. If you were to rank the iron sets from game improvement to players what would that look like?
for all our iron models, ranked in order from most game improvement to most players type, it would go like this – 1) 771CSI; 2) EQ1-NX; 3) 989CLA; 4) 979SS; 5) 565MC; 6) 585PC; 7) 575MC.
I have a set of 771 csi irons (4-PW) that I originally purchased with steel shafts, now as I am getting older I am thinking of changing to graphite shafts in order to extend the life of the set. Are there any problems that would make this a bad idea??
Donald No problems whatsoever with swapping shafts on your 771 irons. A competent clubmaker would have no issues with removing the steel shafts and cleaning out the hosels to prepare for new graphite shafts. If the clubmaker has worked with our heads before, he should know to check if there are any weights down in the hosel weight bore that he would remove before putting in the new shafts to be able to use to weight the heads properly for the lighter graphite shafts. If a clubmaker is doing this who is not familiar with our heads, be sure to… Read more »
Thanks so much for the prompt response. The fitter where I originally got the clubs has closed so I can’t go back to him for advice or the change. Other club repair people that I contacted were telling me that club heads for steel shafts were lighter than those for graphite and that a switch would make them too light to perform. Do you have a general idea about how much more weight would be needed? I have found some Aldila shafts that have a very similar profile to the S2S green R shafts and are 65 g. That also… Read more »
Donald Who is going to do the reshaft work on the irons, you or someone else? It’s impossible to tell you exactly how much weight to add to each head because I have no idea of the LENGTH, the SHAFT WEIGHT, the GRIP WEIGHT, The WEIGHT OF ANY TAPE USED WITH THE GRIP INSTALLATION, or what final swingweight you wish to have. Even then, there are variables involved that make it so I cannot be absolutely precise. This is why this is a job for a normally skilled clubmaker who has the equipment to build golf clubs, most notably a… Read more »
Tom, I just wanted to report to you that I decided to drop the Ping’s and go with the 771 csi as my next set. They’ll have Steelfiber i95 shafts and I will go from 6-PW. For the wedges I decided to go Edison forged (51 & 57deg). A big part what lead to this decision was your detailed input and insight on the 771’s and their benefits. Maybe I’ll ad a 771 GW to vary if conditions over here in Germany get rainy/wet. Thanks for your help & Cheers, Frank
Tom, what do you recommend using to clean these irons? I have a small amount of rust in the cavities on a few heads. Thank you!
JOHN First off, a little bit of surface rust over time is not unusual over time with the HS300 high strength steel used to make the faces of the 771 irons, as well as the faces of the 929 woods and 775 woods. All high strength steels are susceptible to some rust over time because their chemical makeup that brings about the much higher strength does bring with it this possibility. But the chemical makeup of the HS300 is particularly susceptible. This is why all heads I design with the HS300 steel are chrome plated, even the 929 woods and… Read more »
Thanks, Tom! I can confirm this is entirely cosmetic and has had no impact on the performance of the clubs. It is only inside the cavities on a few of the clubs. I will try using WD40.
Hi Tom, I’m a 51yr old average Golfer (HCP 16,8) from Hamburg/Germany. I would consider myself as an equipment junkie, bought 6 irons sets, 4 Drivers etc. the last 10 years but completely sold the whole bunch. I currently use Miura PP-9003 -from 2015- irons which I love but I do not hit them consistent by all means. Now I’m on the edge of buying a new set of PING G425 or other GI-irons OR Wishon 771 csi irons – been to a TCF-Clubfitter and tested the 771’s with a steelfiber i95 shaft and hit the center of the face… Read more »
Frank 6 sets and 4 drivers over the past ten years would qualify you as an equipment junkie! But then too, I think of myself as the consummate equipment junkie because for 36 yrs I have been able to design over 400 different models of golf clubs and I can’t make myself stop now!! HA! Happy to offer you some help so you can perhaps settle on a set for a while. Shot consistency, or rather the ability to hit the ball more often on center, has nothing to do with the head design itself. Consistency is in the fit,… Read more »
Tom, I’m really blown away by 1) the short reply-time 2) the length of your answer, simply great! Thank you so much for the detailed input on all sets of irons there. When I got you right then my fitter should be able to also match my Miuras to the specs of the tested 771s to make me hit their center more often, right The reason for asking this is that I am deeply in love with the feeling the Miuras give me on a centered strike;-) btw that is why i always sold the other sets I bought cause… Read more »
Hi, in the next few years I will be looking to replace my current irons with a more forgiving model. I am thinking that when your 771 CSI replacement is available it would be a good time to make that change. However, I am not a huge fan of the undercut cavity design and was wondering if a hollow body design (431 stainless?) might be under consideration for the 771 CSI replacement.
BILL Thanks very much for your interest. Yes, for sure, I am considering doing the next generation version of the 771CSI irons in a hollow construction because of a couple of reasons. One, it does allow you to further increase the MOI of the head over what is possible with a one piece body design. And two, it makes the impact sound more “normal”, more like a solid body one piece head. It was never, ever a problem, but over the years we would hear from a clubmaker occasionally who told us that a golfer here or there thought the… Read more »
Tom, thanks for your thoughts on a future 771 replacement. In regard to lofts and being “old school” (age 76) I would like to see a loft reduction maximum of 2 degrees from current lofts. Looking forward to all your future models.
My pleasure. Yes, I was thinking more like basing the new lofts around a 24* #5 iron with 4* gaps to the 8 and then doing 5* gaps between the 9, P, G, S. What would be in the air yet is whether they could or should be a 4 iron. Probably will since a 771 replacement might have pretty wide use so there could be some with enough clubhead speed to be able to hit a 20 or 21* iron.
Tom, any further thought on a redesign with a hollow body?
BILL IT’s there, occupying its proper place in my brain, to go hollow when the time comes to design a replacement for the 771CSI irons. Thing is that the 771’s continue to be in demand with the clubmakers and their golfers when they put it up against any of the modern hollow game improvement irons. If it didn’t perform as well or better than what’s out there today, they wouldn’t order it and the fact is, the 771 is still in demand enough that we haven’t felt compelled to jump fast on a new design. But I’ve thought it out… Read more »
I’d really like to see a hollow body design similar in appearance to the NX1-EQ with similar lofts, ie 7 iron at 32 degrees.
Thanks, Tom. Great start to 2023- I have a 585PC built and will soon be testing along side my SL Sterlings. I have seen your new wedges and hope to see your new fairway and hybrids soon.
Tom, I just wanted to say that a lot of the added appeal to me of Wishon golf equipment is that it still looks more traditional and elegant in design and not overdone just for the sake of “looking cooler”. The big OEM’s graphic designers probably do more work every year than the engineers do, because with the limits set in terms of distance and technology, really what else can they do other than change the looks to convince people to want to upgrade clubs every year or two? To me I’d put the 771CSI’s up against ANY cavity-backed iron… Read more »
Claire Thanks so very much for taking the time to stop by to share your very nice and very much appreciated thoughts on my head design work. I did get a good laugh out of your comment about other modern irons looking like a Transformer on a stick! That’s a fun step up from when years ago a golfer told me that he liked the look of my designs “because it wasn’t like other models that made it seem like you were reading a newspaper when you looked at them”! In particular I do think that after hundreds of iron… Read more »
Tom, Thanks again for taking the time to personally reply back to me. I really appreciate all you have done for the Golf industry as well as just how genuine and honest you are with your customers. I just got your Cap’n Clubmaker book from Paul Larson the other day and can’t wait to start reading it. What’s hilarious is that while I was sitting with my club builder (Paul Larson – High Plains Golf) as I’m his “computer guy” and we were browsing Ping, Taylormade and Callaway’s Canadian websites looking at the new head designs and discussing them, and… Read more »
Boy did I have a ROFLOL with that website lead in!!! And be sure to say hi to PAUL !!
I’m a 18 handicap and in need of a new iron set that is a game improvement or super game improvement type. Which, if any, sets do you recommend.
Dennis If you are definitely not thinking about a single length iron set, I would recommend the 771CSI irons. THey are one of the very best high COR face irons ever made so you would get a club more from that. ON top of that they are variable thickness and this will definitely help with off center hits. Off center hits with the 771 are very good, you almost do not lose any distance when you hit the ball 1/2″ off center and very little loss when you hit it even as much as 1″ off center. They are also… Read more »