A unique stiff butt/soft centre/stiff tip design, for more aggressive, late-release players to play stiff for control without feeling too stiff…



  • S2S Red designed with a unique, different bend profile – the majority of shafts for players with better swing fundamentals follow a similar progression of stiffness of butt firm/center firm/tip stiff over their length.  The butt stiff/center soft/tip stiff design of the S2S Red breaks this tradition to offer the better player a high performance shaft for better control with solid, not too stiff feel.
  • S2S Red shafts are for golfers with an above average to forceful transition and average to fast tempo with a later to very late release to deliver more clubhead stability at impact for control and accuracy but without a “boardy stiff” feel.
  • Fitting difference between S2S Red and S2S Black – the S2S Red and the S2S Black shaft designs can both be played by any golfer with a later to very late release, but the S2S Red is a better fit for the golfer who is a little to a lot more forceful and aggressive on the downswing while the S2S Black is a better fit for the golfer with an average to slightly above average level of downswing aggressiveness.
  • S2S Red iron shafts offer the same butt stiff/center soft/tip stiff design in a heavier > 100g shaft weight for players who wish to switch from steel who are comfortable with a little heavier total weight in the irons.
  • S2S Red Hybrid shafts for players with a very late release with average to above average transition and tempo force with average strength.
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John Stonier
7 months ago

Hi Tom,

I had the S2S Red R flex wood shaft with the old gray finish in my 919 THI and loved it but wound up breaking it. I put a S2S Red R flex with the new black finish in and it seemed a bit stiffer to me. Did the profile change or is it just my imagination?


Roger Huston
1 year ago

Tom first of all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year coming soon …. I was asked a question about counter balanced driver shafts and which one would fit the bill in the Wishon line up. I said whichever one where the balance point is closer to the butt section or towards your hands. So I thought probably the red shaft would be quote more counter balanced mostly because of the balance point. I can write about the heavier driver heads and maybe the need to change the balance point, but I said ask Tom.. sounds like you need to expand… Read more »

2 years ago

Why doesn’t you make the Red wood shaft in 85 grams? I would love to have a Red in 85S in my driver.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

But will you make the red in 85S for example?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

I game the black 85S tipped 1″ in 45.5″ driver length. I like the bed profile of the red more, but 65 is to light in weight for me. I prefer heavier shafts to tame my more aggressive swing. And because I like the feel of a heavier shaft in the driver.

I got fitted for the red (stiff) shaft in my Cobra LTDx LS driver and in my TSR3 FW4 wood and TSR2 FW7. I was affraid that the red shaft in the woods would not hold up and be to light. But wow! How wrong I was. The shaft is a beast in the fairway woods as well. I love the feel in the shaft and it’s a good looking shaft too.

Great job Tom!

Last edited 2 years ago by Christher (Svingit Golf)
2 years ago

Hello Tom, Since several years I am playing the red shaft in my 919THI driver and my 929 Woods. Now there is something new coming on the market the “Pro-Core” which is a dampening device inserted directly into the shaft. You wrote in another post that already due to the design of your driver the off center hits will have less impact on distance loss and also the direction. I could imagine that with a dampening device the shaft twist less when hit off center and therefore creates a more stable and longer ball flight. But I would really appreciate… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hello Tom,
Thank you for this clear answer. This makes totally sense to me. So better change the shaft then anything else and your unique and perfect shaft fitting system is perfectly suited. Since 2016 all my clubs are from you and I love them. I am playing 2-3 times per week and I was wondering if I should replace the shaft of my driver after all these years. Do you have any recommendation to renew the shaft after a certain, I suppose the characteristics change over time.

Thank you again.


Mick Matic
2 years ago

Hi Tom, I have the EQ1-NX irons with the S2S red graphite shaft and am hitting the ball out of the toe, my previous irons were normal length irons with X100 shafts which I hit out of the middle and I also played the Cobra Forged Tour single length irons with KBS FLT 120S shafts which I hit out of the middle but didn’t like the weighting of those clubs felt inconsistent, I also tried the KBS tour 110 S shafts in the Cobras and hit it out of the middle. What do I need to do to the S2S… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Mick Matic
Craig McMahon
2 years ago

Hi Tom, what are your thoughts on graphite shaft extensions? Yay or nay? I know you advocate as short a driver as possible but I genuinely think I was hitting my driver more consistently when it was playing 45” rather than the 44” I cut it to.

Craig McMahon
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Great, thanks for the reply Tom. Ps the new 585 irons look superb!

2 years ago

Hi Tom,
I currently game Sterlings (6-GW) with the original S2S steel shafts in stiff, and I LOVE this shaft, but my body takes a beating so I want to go graphite shaft instead (I have shaft dampener inserts and they help some). Which graphite shaft would you recommend that’s as similar as possible to the S2S in stiff?

Craig McMahon
3 years ago

Hi Tom, I’ve just ordered an S2S Red in stiff for my 919 driver. Looking forward to trying it out. I remember asking you a question a while back regarding spine/flo of the shaft but can’t remember which thread it was on and am unable to find it. Do your shafts come with the most stable point marked on the raw shaft?

Craig McMahon
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Great, thanks Tom

Craig McMahon
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hi Tom, I’ve taken delivery of my shaft but even though both the red and white markings are there, the red line seems to be in line with the graphics which would mean the main graphics which should be on the top would now be facing at the target. There are no graphics at all in line with the white marking. Is this incorrect? Craig

Craig McMahon
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Ok, thanks for the clarification Tom. Much appreciated

3 years ago

Hi Tom,

It looks like the cosmetics of the whole S2S graphite shaft line had been updated.

Regarding the S2S Red iron shaft, is it the same as the old one? I ask because the picture has 105g on it instead of the old spec of 110g.

Bob Kirkwood
4 years ago

Tom, is the S2S red driver shaft similar to the Autoflex shaft, that is stiff butt and tip and soft middle?
I have been considering trying the S2S Red.

Bob KIrkwood
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Tom, thanks so much for the info. The softness of the auto flex is very odd. Dud you measure the torque of the auto flex?


4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Tom. I heard that Adam Scott had mixed results with the shaft.

Arnaud maurin
4 months ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

HI TOM I recently saw Lee Trevino playing this AF shaft (the pink version). Makes more sense for a veteran golfer to play this than Adam Scott …

Dan Denbow
4 years ago

Hi Tom, On a whim I purchased a 7 wood from ebay with the s2s red stiff shaft. Quickly became my favorite club in my bag. I looked up the shaft profile today and found out why. My swing speed with driver is 100 with a quick transition and very late release. A match made in heaven! Now I want to try that driver shaft in my new Sim Max head. But I can’t find one for the life of me. Any ideas where I can get a stiff S2S driver shaft, new or used? BTW, I’m in RI and… Read more »

Dan Denbow
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks Tom, I appreciate the reply. I will reach out to Spargo golf which is local. If I can’t get my hands on an S2S Red I’ll try an Atmos Black 6 which looks to have the closest stiff, soft, stiff profile. In the meantime, I’ll continue enjoying my 7 wood! 🙂

Dan Denbow
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hey Tom, would the 9Rt G be similar to the S2s Red by any chance?

Dan Denbow
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks so much Tom, I appreciate the reply. It is uncanny how well that shaft matches my swing so I’ll keep looking for one for my driver. 🙂

4 years ago

Tom, I am currently playing with the 519 – 9* DR. It is fitted with the S2S White shaft@ 63g. A-flex. I am an aggressive hitter but I sometimes feel that I have to swing excessively harder to get distance, which throws everything out of whack. I have to play with an open stance for this driver. For a 60 yrs old, 275 lb person, I still generate a lot of power but having to exert more power just to out drive a 70 yr old is insane. Swing speed is 85- 95 mph and have good fundamentals. Would it… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Tom, Do you have a recommended fitter in Arizona and/or Southern California? My hybrids to driver shafts range from the S2S Black S, Red S, to white line. Since it’s been several years since my last fitting, I’m looking to update several clubs and would like to have my swing re-evaluated for any potential speed and other changes since my last fitting. Thank you in advance!

Nathan Smardenka
5 years ago

Hi Tom,

Are these shafts still available? I read further down the comments section that the Red series has be discontinued.

Also, would tipping these shafts mess with the unique profile? Almost seems as if one where too excessively tip these I would actually make them softer.

5 years ago


How much of an extra tip parallel section is available in the iron shafts for tipping beyond the tipping instructions? Is it possible to tip the stiff extra to make it play more like an x?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks, Tom. I really like this bend profile and it is near impossible to find anything like it in iron shafts. My 6 iron is 96-97 and I’m working on a less aggressive transition move. My current shaft is the steelfiber i110x, which appears to have a similar butt and tip stiffness according to your software. Do you think an extra .5″ is appropriate or would you recommend straight in?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Tom, Just wanted to update on this discussion. I found the +1 extra tipping to feel absolutely amazing and it has become my go to shaft in a hybrid used to replace a long iron. I’ll be having a set made at this spec. Just for fitting purposes, I’m now 97- 98 mph with a standard length 7 iron, average to quick tempo but aggressive transition move. A lot of my work on a proper tempo has helped me create a more efficient and powerful move. My only complaint would be the shaft weight being a little lighter than I’d… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks for letting me know. Either way, you definitely hit a home run with the s2s red. I’ve switched to a vokey sm7 48* pw with a s400 shaft, but this shaft is tough to beat from the 9 iron on up. I think I just prefer the extra heavy shaft on anything regularly used for a partial or specialty shot. I recall reading somewhere that this shaft was designed based off of the original nunchuk wood shaft, but a little bit less extreme in the butt/tip stiffness and at a lower weight. Did your testing show that this profile… Read more »

7 years ago

I looked at the bend profile of the S2S Red and S2S Black 65. Both shafts are rated for the same club head speed, transition force and tempo. I understand that Red has a much firmer tip and would suit people with a very late release. But the butt and middle design are very different for the two shafts yet have the same transition and tempo ratings. What differences do the butt to middle profile designs of the two shafts bring for feel and performance giving that a golfer has aggressive transition and tempo and have a late release of… Read more »

Tom Wishon
7 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

LINCOLN If you look closely you can see that the transition, tempo and release ratings for the REd go up to 3 while for the Black they stop at 2.5. That’s my rating way to say that the Red can play a little stiffer and hence if the player is above average for downswing aggressiveness in the swing along with having a late release, the Red is perhaps the better of the two. The Red is quite unique in that it’s middle section is soft. That mutes the stiffness of the butt and slightly the upper tip section as well… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Thank you for your reply. I now have a better understanding of what the two shafts are designed for. So if we have 2 shafts, one with a Stiff butt and soft mid and the other is the other way around would they perform and feel more or less the same?

Tom Wishon
7 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Theoretically it could be possible to get very close in duplicating a butt stiff/mid soft to a butt soft/mid stiff but it would not ever be exactly the same. That’s because of the relationship between actual stiffness and the diameters and wall thickness down the shaft. To a perceptive player, it would feel a little different as he put his transition force on the club and released it to impact.

David J. Clement
7 years ago

Tom, I now have a stock of the S2S Red Stiff wood shafts in my workshop – to possibly demo and convert a couple customers who swing harder than I do! My last order From Diamond shipped me two Red Stiff iron shafts mistakenly instead of the two Red Stiff woods that I had ordered. Of course, they bent over backwards to quickly send me what I had ordered. We get great customer service from Sharon over in the U.K. Anyway – I was fitted for Black Regular in the irons because I had to learn (with old steel Dynamic… Read more »

Tom Wishon
7 years ago

DAVID Once you get down to the shorter irons and wedges, the shaft’s flex plays a very much less significant role in the performance of the club. All iron shafts are twice as stiff in actual bending amount for the same flex than wood shafts. And then once you get down to the shorter length irons and wedges, that shorter shaft length plus the fact those shafts are cut more from the tip end anyway means that there is very little bending going on in the wedges. In short irons and wedges, as long as the weight of the shaft… Read more »

7 years ago

David, I am in need of the S2S Red Stiff shafts (woods, irons and hybrid…in that order of priority) if you have any that are not being used or have not already been spoken for. Thanks forrestgt@hotmail.com

8 years ago

I’m confused because you use 5 iron swingspeed of 95-110 to help with fitting for this shaft. Often people who swing a driver this fast use a stiff, but you are using 5 iron ss. My driver ss is 115 and this shaft seems perfect as I like shafts that feel softer and yet are very stiff tipped. So is your “s” flex what some would call an x flex?

Tom Wishon
8 years ago

William If in the iron shaft listings it says 95-110, then I apologize for the miss print. That is a driver clubhead speed that is designated for the Red S shaft for woods, not for the irons. Unfortunately I can’t help you more with this because we have made the decision to discontinue the Red iron and hybrid shafts and there are none of the iron shafts left now. Unfortunately the shaft had too few followers because it was a shaft designed pretty much only for the stronger, more aggressive player with a very late release. most of those player… Read more »

Scott Bie
9 years ago

I have your S2S Red regular in my driver at 43 3/4″. Love it. Going to put S2S Red regulars in my 3 and 5 wood, tipped 0.5″ and 1″ respectively. I have been demoing the S2s Red iron shaft in my 7 iron in both regular and stiff. Love the feel with both but leaning towards stiff for what feels like a little more control – the regular gets up a bit – both flexes would work and the stiff still feels smoooooth. Likely to get your 590 DIH in 3/4/5 with S2S Red hybrid in stiff too. Bottom… Read more »

Tom Wishon
9 years ago
Reply to  Scott Bie

Scott That’s great to hear and thanks for sharing your experience with the RED shafts with everyone. That’s an unusual shaft in terms of the profile, and I knew from the get go when I did it that it was not going to be a large segment of players who could be fit into the shaft. But I have been very pleased to hear from a few like yourself who found the shaft, tried it and for their swing found it to be just like I thought it could be – plays very stiff but does not feel super stiff… Read more »

9 years ago

Intrigued with the S2S Red shaft design – both woods and irons.
I have a circa 100-105 mph (driver) swing. I moderate in tempo and release. I can use stiff or x-stiff in woods but tend towards stiff for a little extra loft. I use PX 5.5 in my irons right now and flex-wise they are about right.
Where would that put me in your S2S Red? I am thinking stiff, but, would definitely be grateful to your input.

Tom Wishon
9 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Scott Thanks very much for your message and your interest. It can be very tough to fit a golfer from afar by typed words because so much of better player shaft fitting has to do with whether the shaft achieves the feel preferences he has acquired over the years of playing with different clubs and shafts. Given what you have said about shafts you have and do use, since you are moderate in tempo and release and thus you are not on the more aggressive HITTER side of tempo, I would tend to say the Red R in the driver.… Read more »

Veteran: ken freeland
9 years ago

What swing speed(s) work best with the S2S stiff and the newer 919THI driver?

Tom Wishon
9 years ago

KEN The S2S Red is a shaft designed for players with a more aggressive move at the ball who also have a very late release. The Red R for drivers/woods is best used by someone with a 90mph to 100 mph clubhead speed on average who also has a definite aggressive move at the ball with a very late release. The Red S then is better used by someone with a 100-110 mph speed who also has this very aggressive downswing tempo with late release. Players with a smooth downswing tempo could use the Red shaft only if their clubhead… Read more »

David J. Clement
7 years ago

Love these Stiff-flex S2S Red shafts in my Driver at 44″ length. My SS ranges between 97 and 105, depending on how hard I attack the ball. Yes, these are the first wood shafts I have played that let me put my heel down and take a real crack at the ball from the inside. I’ve always had a late release and finally I have shafts that don’t penalize me for going after it! Years ago I read Jack Nicklaus’s book (Golf My Way perhaps it was?) and followed his advice as I learned the game. He said that kids… Read more »

Tom Wishon
7 years ago

It’s really nice to hear that you found a good friend in the S2S Red shaft ! What you describe is the ideal swing move for it – to be able to jump on the shot when you want and not lose the shaft in the process. Great to hear and the very best to you in this great game !!

I gotta tell you, I put the S flex wood in the 929HS and this thing is a monster now! I use the S flex for me because I have a very forceful transition, even though my swing speed is NOT high; and every other shaft faded to the right; this is the FIRST shaft that gets the face closed in time and EVERY hit has been perfectly straight! Great Shaft! SOLID, SOLID, SOLID!

fred zuelich
10 years ago

tom, I have a question. What would the new 560mc irons approximate at with the new s2s shafts? I also would like to know if you recommend a good iron shaft instead..ie: KBS
Last…where is a good clubfitter close to me…Hermosa Beach.
I am a 4 index and currently play the AP 2.
thanks fred

Tom Wishon
10 years ago
Reply to  fred zuelich

FRED: Thanks for your interest for sure. I’m sorry but I am not clear on exactly what you are asking when you ask “what would the 560MC irons approximate with the new S2S shafts.” Approximate in terms of distance, performance, appearance? At any rate, the questions you ask can ONLY be answered by going through a proper fitting analysis with a very experienced custom clubfitter – proper fitting will ALWAYS be a process of needing to SEE the golfer’s swing characteristics, his ball flight tendencies, and getting to assess his personal preferences for everything from the looks of the head… Read more »

11 years ago

Sounds like a great shaft. Can I just buy one or do I need to be fitted? How much is that s2s red shaft?
I’ve been reading your books and am thankful for all the information you have to offer. I like to tinker with my clubs and try new combinations. Now I know why I do that so much. Because I never know what kind of shaft is actually being sent to me.

Tom Wishon
11 years ago
Reply to  nick

If you are a clubmaker or have the experience to build clubs correctly, contact us and we will be glad to help and offer you the S2S Red shaft for your shafting work. If you are not a clubmaker, please contact a clubmaker in your area for assistance with this. Thanks much,