Progressive Cavity Back and Muscle Back Forged Designs with each Back Design formed by CNC Machining…



    • Progressive CNC machined 575MMC cavity back created in a full, #4 to 9, PW, AW set makeup

    • Progressive cavity back design moves weight from lower on the long irons to higher on the short irons

    • Progressive CNC machined 575MMC muscle back designed in a #5 to 9, PW, AW set makeup

    • Progressive milled muscleback design moves weight higher on the back through the wedges

    • 575MMC set expansion allows each version to be played as a full set or in mix and match set makeup option

    • More compact head size with shorter blade length offers the compact look in the playing position desired by more traditional minded players

    • All new CNC machining pattern results in a beautiful milled surface finish – a truly unique look to match the solid feel of a soft 1035C carbon steel forged iron design

    • CNC machined scorelines under 2010 USGA and R & A rule guidelines

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Daniel Björk
6 months ago

I love the design of this club, sadly I doubt I would be able to play it. 17 hcp

Craig Dewee
1 year ago

Went passed and visited Bob Howe here in Perth Australia.
Looking to get the combo set of 575MMC (blades and cavity backs)He said they no longer available as combo set and only available in cavity backs – is that correct?

1 year ago

Hi Tom,
would be possible to design any forged and SL irons ?

Sorry i did no read all the questions… already asked.

Last edited 1 year ago by Richard
2 years ago

Hi Tom

I managed to pick up a mint set of 575MMC Forged irons. My first ever Wishon irons.

love the softe feel and sound at impact.

As i have been used to jacked up stronger lofts on my previous irons…if i alter the 575 to slightly stronger lofts will it impact turf interaction ?

Thank you

2 years ago

Just revisiting the site. I got fitted for my 575s in 2012 and they’re still going strong. I love them and think they look great and perform immaculately. I also love the fact that you respond to people’s queries so well Tom. It’s great to see people getting straight answers without the marketing and hype. 👍

Ray Monty
2 years ago

Tom, is there a handicap range that your new 585PC irons target?

2 years ago

Hi Tom
I heard the 575mmc is about to be discontinued. Is this true? If so, will there be an equivalent forged iron coming soon?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Can’t wait to see the photos of the new iron! 575 is the most beautiful iron I’ve seen so let’s see if it gets “beaten”.
Any other new designs on the way?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Wow! I can’t wait to check them out! I just bought a full bag of Wishon 2 years ago. My wife won’t be happy if I buy more…:)

Joe McManuis
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Tom, from the photos I have seen I have no doubt the 585 will be the best iron you have produced in the looks department and it goes without saying the performance will match if not out perform any iron from the OEM manufacturers with their crazy (meaningless) specific iron lofts. Your new offerings have created excitement for me for sure.


Joe McManuis
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Tom, in addition to all that you have accomplished, you also wrote your great book Cap’n Clubmaker for which I am long overdue in telling you how much I enjoyed it and continue to enjoy it. Although I have never built clubs every once in a while I go back to look up things that come up in regards club making and/or fitting. Finally, I had a set of Sterlings built by a clubmaker locally two summers ago and I can’t tell you excited he is about your new clubs designs coming soon. One last question I have for when… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Take good care of yourself, Tom, the industry needs people like you.

Johan Envall
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Tom I think I saw the new 585 in an online forum and they look great! I like the flow of cavity to blade through the set. Will they be available so you can choose where the switch from cavity to blade is? I might prefer the 575 though, because I love the shiny steel 🙂 But im sure I’ll be testning out the 585. I’ve been struggling a bit with my 4 iron. Would you say the 585 is more forgiving? I also saw the 719 driver. That’s a looker! How is it different to the 919? I’m really… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

I think the 585 look great. Remind me of the Macgregor VIPs I played in college.
But, I still find the 575 MB to be MORE eye-catching!

2 years ago

Hi, Tom. You said previously that, “there are deep cavity back non offset irons out there.” Do you offer one? If not, are you developing one? Thanks.

3 years ago

Hi Tom, I’m looking to try some new irons, and I’ve seen a good used set of your 575mmc irons with the stepless wishon S flex shaft… I currently play with rifle (project X 6.0) shafts.

Quick question… How do your shafts play compared to the rifles?

3 years ago

Sir, just a quick question unrelated. Played Pennick blades for 30 years. Just recently switched to M2s. Pulling my long irons left or low right and short. Is that because of a difference in bottom edge

Brian W
3 years ago


How does one choose between the 575 cavity back and the 565? I am working my way down to single digit handicap with my swing change (much shorter backswing, connected right elbow) and am now hitting a standard draw versus my old over-the-top fade.

I’ve always played Mizuno forged irons and love the feel. I have a good fitter nearby in Anthony Wright.


George Anasson
3 years ago

Hi Tom, I hope you and your family are well in such uncertain times. Thank goodness for golf and clubmaking. I have started to build some sets using MOI matching but am interested in considering the variable of MOI Balance Index. This was apparently designed by Monte Doherty but the excel file is not available on the internet. Do you have any way this can be approximately calculated or have access to the file. I am off course happy to pay for this file but cannot find it anywhere. The theory of MOI balance index reflects my experience with MOI… Read more »

Pieter Bekker
3 years ago

All the way from sunny South Africa. I have had a set of 575 MMC Forged which ive used for the past 2 years, and oh my, if I ever had to replace them, I would get Wishon again. Absolutely magnificent irons! A job magnificently well done on these!

Michael Shinosky
3 years ago

Hi Tom, Buying a set of the 575mb and noticed there isn’t a 3 or 4 iron option. My club builder said there was a 4 iron MB option. Is he wrong? Really need a 3 and 4 iron mb. Can’t stand cavity backs as I work the ball a great deal and hardly ever miss the center of the face. I hit the 7iron at 35.5 loft, 63.5 lie and 36.75 length with KBS 130x spined at d4 swingweight that club builder made for me. Excellent club. Great feel and workability. Gained a club and a half. Really would… Read more »

Michael Shinosky
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hi Tom, Thanks for the reply and sorry for delayed response. Sad to hear about 3 and 4 irons. I really like to work the ball into greens from 190-220 out due to the descending angle being shallower causing more roll out. Especially on hard greens. If pin is middle right I hit a fade that falls right and rolls toward flag. Much easier to accomplish with a MB. I tried the 4 in CB but can’t work it. It does fly higher and descends steeper but still can’t get the curve needed. I know it’s a shot in the… Read more »

Michael Shinosky
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

No worries. The 4 iron just goes dead straight. Can’t for the life of me work it one way or the other. It might be the shaft. I switched to KBS Tour 130 x from DG TI X100. The stiffer tip section might be the issue. I’m probably switching back to x100. I put the 9 iron head into a x100 today. Boy does the iron head feel great. Super soft. I couldn’t get that feeling with the KBS at all. The only problem is the SW is like D9 in x100. In KBS it is D6. The head weighs… Read more »

Amy #312
3 years ago

Tom I can’t thank you enough for these fantastic irons! First new set I’ve had since your 1995 Harvey Penick design. Absolutely beautiful and oh soooo straight! Both on the course, and with a launch monitor, I’m within 3′ of my target line. I’ve always been accurate, but Sir your clubs have moved me to an entirely new level. John Gamble at Charlotte Golf MFG did the superb fitting. Thank you!

3 years ago

Hey Tom, I do like to troll around your Q&A on here from time to time. Its really informative and wonderful you take the time to give such quality answers to the many golfers and fitters on here. You’ve said it before that the club head is the engine of the golf club and that swingweight/moi is an “A” effect fitting specification from “distance” to “feel.” Of course the shaft can change the sw/moi the most, but the head is still the engine! Ever thought of doing a forged “player” version of the 989CLA? I think is would pretty darn… Read more »

Matt King
3 years ago

Hi Tom – I’ve had both a driver and 60 degree wedge from you and they are by a mile the best clubs in my bag. However I have a question on which I think your expert opinion would be excellent. I’m a mid-handicap golfer (i.e. 18) and am looking to get it lower, would you recommend investing in I forged irons at this stage or remain with the cast “game improvement irons”? I’ve heard that I may lose an element of forgiveness on the forged irons, however I feel for my game to get into the single digits I… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt King

To be a little blunt, there is no reason switching to a blade would make your handicap lower. I’ve been between a +1 and +3 handicap wise the last few years and I still play game improvement irons. I rarely mis hit my shots but the few times I do or the days I’m a little off I’m getting away with my misses where I wouldn’t with traditional blades. I can shape my cavity irons just as well as I could with blades. I think it would be smarter to look at whats in the LPGA players bags vs the… Read more »

Wayne Lingard
4 years ago

Hi Tom – really enjoy your answers to questions very informative and non biased …keep it up ! A couple of questions for you if you wouldn’t mind providing your expert opinion on. 1 – I have been experimenting with driver length have and have seen some small gains in longer shafts playing around 47 inches, whats your thoughts on this. 2 – I have oddly noticed i am hitting x type shafts farther than R type shafts but my driver swing speed is only max around 95 – 98, is there something to how i am loading the shaft… Read more »

4 years ago

Hi Tom. I’m hoping there might be a solution to getting hold of an extremely flat lie golf iron: 9 degrees!! (Based on a STD lie of a Srixon iron. I’m afraid I’m not sure what their STD is but wanted to ask the question first) A scratch golfer student of mine hits the ball very solidly but always fights a hook so is constantly working on holding off his shots. His current irons are Srixon forged and 2 degrees flat. He has a GC Quad and the data shows that at impact the toe is up by 7 degrees… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks so much for the response and help Tom. It turns out that the dots on the club face had not been placed accurately enough resulting in very inaccurate results from the GC Quad. When the Sharpie test was done, the lie angle is spot on!
If his lie angle is 2 degrees flat and he currently uses a Taylormade M5 driver, would there be a significant difference if he were to use one of your driver’s with the adjusted lie angle?

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks again Tom for such a detailed and well explained answer. You have made things a lot clearer. Will check lie angle of driver to see where we’re at and go from there.

4 years ago

Is it possible to achieve a single length iron set with muscleback heads, or is a lot of the technology in making variations within the head designs what allows single length irons to work. Ie making the head adjustments so that you get proper ball trajectory, backspin and speed with a PW as you do with a 4i

4 years ago

email I received from Diamond Golf.

Hello Dennis, The TW575C-AW option is a closed out option and we unfortunately no longer hold stock. The TW575C-3 is also closed out. With Kind Regards, Alison Diamond Golf/Wishon Golf.

I am having a AW in the MB replace the CB.

4 years ago


Thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate it. I’m picking up the 5 thru PW today and can’t wait to hit them. Tim Mosel out of Denville NJ does an excellent job. I will talk to him about the AW, he must of received wrong information.

Thanks again,


4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hi Tom,

Always a pleasure to listen to what you have to say about club designs. In this regard, what is your opinions/ views of the new Srixon ZX7 irons’ heel-relief grind and V-sole design?

Are these designs and grinds really functional or simply marketing hype? Curious about your views on those. Thanks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hi Tom, Amazing knowledge and thank you so much for your views on the sole designs and grinds, much appreciated indeed! Yes I can imagine that, as long as the shot is not fat or with shallower AoA, such sole designs are more of a psychological comfort or visual. If going down on this topic, what are the true ground-interaction effects of wider soles compared to narrower ones besides the fact that wider soles have more weight distributed further back of the face and thus would have higher MOI, forgiveness, and higher trajectory, e.g. cavity/ game improvement irons versus, say,… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Hi Tom, Much appreciated for your knowledge and expertise, as always. In terms of lower CG for blades, I think that major OEMs have been propagating misleading concepts all these years though. By the same token, I also start to wonder whether or not technologies such as J* Break and various compression channels on metal woods really add any rebound effect and thus ball speed. Likewise, some boutique Japanese irons have extra milling patterns on the face (just like most wedges) — thus in theory stops quicker with higher spins. Anyway, golf industry is huge so it is common to… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Ha ha, golf is a game of honesty — but the golf industry is not. The aerodynamic example you raised perfectly shows that major OEMs’ bottom line is more important than true technology benefit/ advance of the club to the shareholders. They try to to elevate the entire product profile by adopting auto industry’s wind tunnel drag design — totally ignoring the fact that such cd (coefficient of drag) only works at high speeds (this applies to golf swing though) and in a straight line. The drag would be all over the place if the car is spinning around. Then… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Wishon

Thanks for the facts, Tom, as always! Since truth been told, I do sincerely look forward to further continuous successes of your company in the golf industry. This way, all consumer golfers would have a choice for themselves. I do wish you win a lottery though.

Best regards.

4 years ago


I am having a new set of the 575MMC CB made and my builder just said that the AW was discontinued. Why and how I am going to replace it as it was my 50 degree and your wedges start at 52.

Dennis Beltram
4 years ago


I was going to have a set of Irons made with the 575MMC MB but I saw an article that said the iron set should be mixed with the CB #5, thru 7 and MB #8 thru Gap Wedge. So now I am not sure what to do and why that is. I am replacing my old Wishon irons. Can you shed a little light on why the mixed bag and if that is the way I should go. Thank you.

Kourtney Knowles
4 years ago

Hey Tom was wondering why these irons have lofts ending with a 46 degree PW or 50 degree AW but then your wedge line has 52/56/60 lofts? Seems like it would be difficult to pair your wedge line with your iron line without having to bend the clubs 2+ degrees

4 years ago

There is offset magic that happens to the wedges bent to +2 loft ?