How To Find The Best Custom Clubfitters

With the advent of adjustable hosel drivers and special order fitting options from the big golf club companies, a growing number of golfers have become aware of the claims that custom clubfitting is a way for them to improve their play.  The problem with the source of...

Giving Thanks and Sharing a Dream

I know. . . it’s common to say “THANKS” this time of the year because that’s what this time of the year is all about.  Not that my thanks are any different or more important than anyone else’s, but since I have a blog, that does give me a...

Can My Current Clubs be Custom Fit for Me?

I understand.  You’ve become aware of the benefits of professional clubfitting, you want to know if custom fitting can make a real difference in your game, but you don’t want to spring for a totally new set of clubs because your clubs aren’t that old. Can your...